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November 2013 Club Minutes

Minutes of the Fremont County R/C Flying Club – November 1, 2013

Secretary/Treasurer Marlowe Cassetti called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM at the Fremont airport Annex Building #2. Ten members attended the meeting. Larry won the 50/50 drawing of $8.00.
Minutes from the October meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report Nov 1, 2013:

Checking balance forward from Oct meeting = $51.06

$3.50 50/50 drawing

Total Income = $3.50

Outlays: $2.00 Bank Service charge

Total Outlays = $2.00

Ending balance = $52.56 ($4.86 cash + $51.06 checking)
                           $1,200.47 savings      

Marlowe reported that the previous month’s Treasurer’s report was misstated since a $117.66 check for weed killer and new combo lock had been omitted from the report. This caused the checking account balance to fall below $200 triggering a $2.00 service charge. Marlowe will transfer $300 from the savings account to checking to bring the checking account up above the prescribed minimum.

Old Business:

Club History – Sonny told us that he is making progress on the club history. He plans to make CDs, which will be passed out to the club members. Anyone who wants printed copies can get them printed out by Office Max.

Flight Stand Covers – Mark reported that Terry Davis was on the track of a pile of metal covers that might be used for the covers. The posts holes can be dug at any time.

Indoor Gymnasium Flying – Cloyce reported that we are set to start flying in the Harrison School gymnasium on Friday Nov. 8th from 7:00PM to 8:30PM. Cloyce requested that members, who want to fly in the gym, pay Cloyce a one time $10.00 fee for the entire season.

Xmas Party – After much discussion a motion was made and passed to do the following; not to have a separate party but to order pizza at the December meeting. Members, who want something to drink with their pizza, please bring your own drinks. Members, who want to eat pizza, will all chip in and pay for the pizza. We will decide what kinds of pizza and how many pizzas to order at the meeting.

Veterans Home Request – Dennis reported that the Vet’s Home was unable to make the Oct 12th flying session. Dennis will work with them to come up on another date this coming spring.

Nomination of Officers – The following list were nominated:
· President – Ed Vincent
· Vice-President – Dave Green
· Secretary/Treasurer – Marlowe Cassetti
· Newsletter Editor – Mark Sullivan

Note the President shall appoint the other officers, Safety Coordinator and Field Marshall, who will serve for the next term.

New Business:

Book Donation – Bill Worthen, Jr. donated a bunch of airplane history books to the club. It was from his dad’s collection. The club decided to have a lending library with the donated books. Steve Stafford volunteered to provide a weatherproof container and we will store the books in the impound building. There will be a sign-out sheet for members to record their book withdraws.

Airfield Maintenance – Gary Iovinella asked about using the drag and roller to maintain the field. Mark told him that the roller has a 1 7/8” ball housing on it and the ball is in the storage building. He cautioned that grading or dragging the field when it is dry turns it into talcum like dust. Rolling it when it is wet will cause lumps to form on the roller that causes problems too. Springtime is best to do this when the moisture content is just right.

The meeting adjourned at 8:01 PM and we spent another ½ hour or so talking about airplane stuff after Cloyce asked if anyone had seen the YouTube video of the USAAF pilot belly landing a recon Spitfire in England.

Respectfully submitted,

Marlowe D. Cassetti, Secretary/Treasurer

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